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Ci dessous vous trouverez un rsum complet de tous les manuels, manuels technique et dautresdocuments que nous dispensons our les quipements tels que Amplificateurs, heads, combos. Audio, quipement AV et stro. Audio portable et personnels discmans, walkmans, radios, radiocassettes. MP3, enregistreurs portables. Top VIdeos. Warning Invalid argument supplied for foreach in srvusersserverpilotappsjujaitalypublicindex. The Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane investigated strange goingson at the Vegpro factory near Suffingham. They discovered that the companys founder, Professor Sarric. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride. It may be inconceivable for you to misuse a. Manuals Warehouse is your source for copies of owners manuals, service manuals and other documentation on audio, music, stage and studio equipment like. I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. I loafe and invite my soul. Basse vitesse. Claviers. Compresseurs, limiteurs, exciteurs. Prince Rare Tracks there. Console de mixage. Crossoversgaliseurs. Enregistreurs numriquesquipement DJ mixeurs, tourne disque, DJ kits, effets, modulateursquipement denregistrement magntophones, magntoscopes disque dur. MIDI contrleurs, convertisseurs, processeurs, modules. Equipement de scne et de la performance sonorisation, PA systems, arrays. DMX, machine fume. Equipement studio. Guitares. Haut parleur actif, passif, satellites, subwoofers. Home audio amplificateurs, tuners, rcepteurs, lecteurs CD, HIFI, haut parleur. Magntophones. Microphones. Orgues. Piano piano lectronique, piano numrique, piano debout, Grand piano. Processeurs deffets. Rythmes lectroniques, modules, rhythmbox, rythmes numriquesquenceurs. Software, diteurs, les plug ins. Stompboxes, pdales. Synthtiseurs, workstations, samplers, romplers. Tourne disque. Tuners, rcepteurs, radio. Et beaucoup plus dquipements audio, musique, scne et en studio. Pour acheter un article ou pour obtenir plus de dtails, cliquez sur un nom de marque dans la listeci dessous ou dans la liste sur la gauche. Cliquez sur une lettre dans la barre de navigation pour passer une lettre de marque. Manuals Warehouse ist ihre quelle fr kopien von bedienungsanleitungen, technisches handbcher. Im Folgenden finden Sie einen umfassenden berblick ber alle bedienungsanleitungen, technischeshandbcher und andere Unterlagen, die wir zur Verfgung haben fr Gerte wie Audio, AV und stereo anlagen. Aufnahme ausstattung tonbandgerte, festplatte aufnahmegerte. Bass ausstattung. Bhnen leistung ausstattung beschallung, PA systeme, lautsprecher. DMX, nebelmaschine. Digitale aufnahmegerte. DJ ausstattung mischpulten, plattenspieler, DJ sets, effekte, modulatoren. Effekt prozessoren. Equalizer. Frequenzweichen. Gitarren. 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Klicken sie auf einen Buchstaben in der navigationsleiste, um zu einer marke buchstaben springen. Manuals Warehouse la vostra fonte per le copie di manuali di istruzioni, manuali tecnico e altra. Qui di seguito trovate un riassunto completo di tutti i manuali di istruzioni, manuali tecnico e altradocumentazione che abbiamo a disposizione per le attrezzature come Altoparlanti attivo, passivo, satelliti, subwoofer. Amplificatori, heads, combos. Apparecchiature di registrazione registratori, registratori hard disk, monitor. Apparecchiatura MIDI controllori, convertitori, processori, moduli. Apparecchiature palco amplificazione, sistemi di PA, relatori, arrays, wireless. DMX,fumo macchina. Attrezzature audio, AV e stereo. Attrezzature bass. Attrezzature DJ missaggio, giradischi, DJ kits, effetti, modulatori. Batterie elettroniche, rhythmbox, drumcomputers. Chitarre. Compressori, limitatori, exciters. Console di mixaggio. Crossovers. Effetti processori. Equalizzatori. Giradischi. Home audio amplificatori, sintonizzatori, ricevitori, lettori CD, HI FI. Microfoni. Organo elettronico, organo digitale. Pianoforte elettronico, pianoforte digitale, pianoforte verticale, pianoforte a coda. Portatileaudio personale discman, walkman, radio, stereo portatili. MP3, registratori portatili. Registratori a nastro. Registratori digitali. Sequencers. Software, editori, i plug in. Stompboxes, pedali. Studio attrezzature. Sintetizzatori, workstations, samplers, romplers. Sintonizzatori, ricevitori, radio. Tastiere. E molto altro ancora apparecchiature su audio, musica, palco e in studio. Per acquistare un articolo o ottenere maggiori dettagli, fare clic su una marca nella lista sottostante onellelenco a sinistra. Clicca su una lettera nella barra di navigazione per passare a una lettera di marca. Manuals Warehouse is jouw bron voor kopien van handleidingen, service manuals en overige documentatie. Hieronder vind je een volledig overzicht van alle beschikbare handleidingen, service manuals en overigedocumentatie van apparatuur zoals Audio, AV en stereo apparatuur. Bandrecorders. Bas apparatuur. Compressors, limiters, enhancers. Crossovers. Digitale recorders. DJ apparatuur mixers, draaitafels, DJ sets, effecten, modulators. Draagbaar discmans, walkmans, boomboxes, gettoblasters, radio,MP3 apparatuur, draagbare recorders. Draaitafels. Effects processors. Elektronische drum machines, kits, modules, rhythmbox, drumcomputers. Pianos elektronische pianos, digitale pianos, upright, vleugels. Equalizers. Gitaren. Home audio versterkers, tuners, receivers, CD spelers, HIFI sets. Keyboards. Microfoons. MIDI apparatuur controllers, converters, processors, modules. Mixers en mixing consoles. Opname apparatuur tape recorders, harddisk recorders, monitors. Orgels. Podium performance apparatuur mixers, lichtdmx, PA systemen. Samplers. Sequencers. Software, editors, plug ins. Speakers actief, passief, satellites, subwoofers. Stompboxes en effectpedalen. Studio apparatuur. Synthesizers, workstations, samplers, romplers. Tuners, receivers, radio. Versterkers, heads, combos. En veel meer muziek, podium, studio en geluidsapparatuur. THE ASHTAR COMMAND Book I Project World Evacuation. Chapter 1 The New Strategy. It was very late. The day had ended. Silently the darkness crept in and overshadowed us with its coolness and peace. I gazed, spellbound, at the brilliance of the heaven world, loathe to remove myself from the inner fullness of the moment. I was overcome with a deep love for my friends of outer space. Suddenly my head was magnetically turned to the right. I sensed someone standing there. Then my head was again magnetically pulled upward to measure the great height of the Being at my side. He requested that I give him my hand, and I did. My hand tingled as if asleep or touching something electrically charged. I began to sense the presence of Many other Beings surrounding me. Their heads were bowed in prayer. I realized they were standing very close together, actually forming a circle. I then became aware that they were holding both of my hands and that I was a part of the closely knit circle. Together we all became a glorious beam of white golden Light. When the prayer ended, someone appeared in the circle standing directly in front of me with hands extended in blessing. The Being before me was in a jump suit type of garment, in shiny metallic like material with a type of hood that fits close to the head. His eyes were clear blue, and it seemed he was smiling at me. I will speak with you now, Tuella. I am Ashtar. I will remove my hood so that you may perceive my appearance. His shoulder length light blonde hair fell straight back from the forehead and down. Yes, I am smiling at you, Tuella, in my love for your spiritual being. You are glowing tonight because of the love you have been feeling. Because of this shedding forth and giving out of the love within, you have created a shining vortex surrounding you, and I am standing within it in a projection of my Being. This is done mentally, just as my words are beamed to you mentally. Hold the projection of my appearance before you as I continue with my message for this evening. Thus began the various discourses which make up this text. Ashtar is a Beloved Christian Commander and a very beautiful Being. He is highly evolved in the upper worlds, very influential, and has a great benefactoring influence upon those he leads. The momentum of the vibrations from these Great Space Beings, or Commanders, as they call themselves, is equal to and often beyond the forcefield even of Ascended Masters, for many have come who are Lords on their own planet, or persons of highest repute in their own galaxies and dimensions. We must realize that the fact that a Being as a participating Commander within the Confederation of Planets does not lessen in any way his or her spiritual evolvement and ascension within his or her own lifestream. Ashtar and those who serve with him are as real as you or I. In the Alliance of the Space Confederation, Commander Ashtar is the highest in authority for our hemisphere. He is also the Commander of the Star Ship upon which our Beloved Lord and Great Commander, Jesus Sananda, spends so much of His time. He has the authority to clear any channel and interrupt and take over any communication from any source at any time, upon our planet yet he is gentle, loving, devout, and totally inspiring as a great Leader. I was told that this book will trigger into action Many who are yet outside of this awareness and that the Intergalactic Fleets would take up the work from that momentum in establishing these key souls on their pathway and personal mission. Further, that all emissaries now in embodiment will be assisted immediately to fulfill the divine plan for their lives. Many who will read the book are Ambassadors from the far flung vistas of outer space, having volunteered to endure the limitations of fleshly existence that they might in some way aid the coming of Light upon this planet. It was explained to me that within the vast army of volunteers, there is an inner circle of souls on very special missions of great responsibility to the others, like a circle within a circle. In cosmic circles, these are referred to as the Intergalactic Legion of Special Volunteers. It seems that Mankind must make a new adjustment of attitude toward these intermediaries between Earth and Heaven. The Commands plead for Mankind to accept them, their existence, their presence, their dedication and loyalty to the Confederation and devotion to Earth, that the Kingdom of God shall come and that Earth shall become a beautiful Sun and part of the united Heavens. They are telling us now that, our special representatives must be lifted, taught, and prepared to fulfill their part in the plan for rescuing the planet and its people. The opening message goes as follows. I am Ashtar, the Commander of ten million men of my Command surrounding this hemisphere in the protective force within the Alliance for Peace in the Intergalactic Council. We have called upon this Messenger to compile this book for this point in Earth time that Mankind might consider and understand the details of those things that could come to pass, for Our Father doeth nothing except first He warneth His prophets. There is method and great organization in a detailed plan already near completion for the purpose of removing souls from this planet, in the event of catastrophic events making a rescue necessary. We watch diligently, the threat of a polar shift for the planet in your generation. Such a development would create a planetary situation through which none could survive. This would necessitate an evacuation such as I have referred to. Another Manifestation necessitating global rescue would be the collision of an asteroid within your own magnetic field, or the bypass of another large Heavenly body. This would so disrupt and disturb your own grid system and energy field that all of the inhabitants of the planet would face extinction. The negativity of Man could magnetize these things to himself. Detailed scientific data accumulated over long periods of monitoring the actions of the bodies within the solar system indicates these events are within the realm of possibility. This book is not intended to frighten anyone, but on the contrary, to hold out the hope and confidence of our presence with you for any time of trouble. The dangers to the planet are very real. The resulting tragedy to Humanity would be unavoidable. However, our presence surrounding you of the total thirty five million members of the Intergalactic Federation will assist you, lift you up and rescue you, and hold you in safety. The magnetized solar flares now present around the Sun in its present position, in conjunction with the planetary alignment that is presently coming into its final position, combines to create a strong tendency to pull the Earth into untoward motion. The possible polar shift has been greatly lessened and gentled by the action of our scientific volunteers from many worlds. These are greatly learned men who understand these things, and whose services have gladly been given for the purpose of saving this beautiful planet. There are also tracking units with the Ashtar Command which continually trace the pathways of all asteroid action within this solar system and beyond. Any threatening approach of another Heavenly body can be strongly averted from its direction. This type of surveillance is constant. Inner disturbances taking place within the planet itself are direct reflections of the aspirations and the attitudes and vibrations of those who dwell upon it. We have repeatedly attempted to turn the thoughts of Humanity toward the reality of Divine Truth and Principles. We have dared to lower our craft into your frequencies in a visible way. We have dared to expose ourselves in vulnerable situations in order to convince souls of Earth of our presence. Now we take further steps, because of the shortness of time and the dangers that beset you and the pressure of coming events.