You will want to do some things that are easier to handle. Auto. LISP with just a few lines of code. While with others, youll find that. CNC Schools Schools With CNC Courses Learn CNC in your own area Note CNC Concepts, Inc. VBA will provide the easiest solution to program, such as building a complex. Auto. LISP supports dialog boxes, but. VBA supports them. At the same time, VBA provides. Auto. CAD system at an object level, but it does not lend itself well. Auto. CAD commands something Auto. LISP is able to do quite well. One thing is certain the two languages do not work well together. That is, you. cant write a utility in Auto. Autocad Civil 3D Line Types Math' title='Autocad Civil 3D Line Types Math' />LISP and make use of it in VBA with ease it isnt. VBA and use it inside Auto. LISP either. Im not saying. The bottom line is once you do start an. You will most likely have to stay with the language you selected. Building a Vocabulary. So, lets discuss some of the differences between these two languages from a. As mentioned before, Auto. LISP is a wonderful tool for. Auto. CAD commands. You can. combine Auto. CAD commands into a script with conditional logic and loops to create. These commands can be used to automate. There. are times when command type thinking is easier to program than object level. A quick example that points this difference out clearly is the lack of. If you want to break a polyline, you. The same is true with the Extend and Trim. These commands are not available as methods for entity objects in the. Auto. CAD object system at this point in time. They may appear at any time in the. This is the beauty of objects Objects do have advantages over commands in most cases though. When you issue. a command, you may or may not have the ability to select the objects you want to. Instead you must rely on the object selection mechanism at. Auto. CAD. Objects do not have that ambiguity. When you specify an object. Object level manipulations are available in Visual LISP too. Using the VL. extensions found in Visual LISP you can change object properties and invoke. You do have to use object references that can be. In most cases an experienced Auto. LISP programmer will not need to use the. But there are times when they sure come in handy. Another point Visual LISP Auto. LISP gets over VBA is the closer proximity to. Auto. CAD system. VBA is not native to Auto. CAD it is an add on language that. Microsoft Word and Excel. It is also. similar from a programming point of view to VB Visual BASIC in how it works. Auto. CAD. Visual LISP only runs inside Auto. CAD and as such takes advantage of. You can find an example of this difference when prompting the user at the. In Visual LISP you use the PROMPT or PRINT expressions. In VBA. you must use the Prompt method that is part of the Utility object that is part of. Drawing object. The following lines of code will send a prompt to the command. Auto. CAD. Visual LISP is first VBA is second. Drawing. Utility. Prompt Chr1. 0 starting. Two things are immediately obvious. In Visual LISP, the n escape sequence. VBA uses the function. Chr1. 0 and must concatenate it to the front of the prompt string using the. The other difference is the amount of typing required to access the. In Auto. LISP, the PRINT expression could have been used and the n escape. PRINT moves to a fresh new line before outputting the. Another feature of PRINT is that it will output any data type while only. PROMPT function. For the Utility object methods in VBA as well as the GETxxx functions of. Auto. LISP, you must use strings at all times. Auto. LISP contains several different. RTOS. converts real numbers to string and ITOA converts integers. VBA provides two. STR and FORMAT. The STR function returns a string. That is, str 1. FORMAT allows you to specify the conversion. For those just learning VBA, see the FORMAT function. Balancing the Scales. The fact that Auto. LISP can be integrated at the command level further tilts. Auto. LISP for Auto. CAD customization. You can define new. Auto. LISP just by defining the function with the characters C as. Since they will act just like Auto. CAD. commands, C functions are called Command functions. VBA has macros, and you. VBA program manager. The fact that VBA does not run from the command prompt or simple menu macro. You can start the VBA program manager using. Auto. LISP and then invoke the macro in the same manner. When using the COMMAND. VBALOAD mymacros VBARUN mymacro. If you do not include the dashes, a dialog box will appear for the user to. VBA modules and run the macros. In most cases that is not the desired. Instead, the macros are loaded and run in a command function thereby. VBA module. Thus, what at first appeared. Auto. LISP turns out to be not much of a. This is not unusual in programming once a flaw or hole is identified, a. In addition to allowing for a startup via Auto. LISP, VBA also has a nice set of. You can do some of this in Visual LISP, but not as easily as you can. VBA. Reactors can be attached to drawings and even embedded into template. Visual LISP does not have this same ability without some clever. Another area in which VBA beats Visual LISP is data types. VBA has many more. Visual LISP, including some useful ones such as Date and Time. In. Visual LISP dates and times are stored as strings or as numeric values. When you. access the system date information in a drawing via the system variables, you. Julian calendar days. The manipulation of dates and times in VBA could not be easier. The FORMAT. function can be used to create output formats of almost any description, and you. Thus, you. can store and manipulate your own time keeping information in a format that is. Ive heard die hard Auto. LISP programmers proclaim that VBA does not support. LISP does. This is true. But VBA does support Variants, which are much. LISP symbols in that they house any kind of data. Variants allow VBA to work. LISP. Lists can be used to store many different types of data and then manipulate them. MAPCAR, FOREACH and APPLY. Hack Facebook Games Social Wars Download. But. these kinds of programming styles require some time to master, and most beginning. VBA. Frankly, list processing is not as interesting as object manipulations are for. In VBA and in Visual LISP you can link with other systems. The Active. X interface of Windows is an object oriented. It allows your VBA. Auto. CAD to take over and run Excel or some other task. And since Excel supports VBA, you can drive Auto. CAD from. inside an Excel worksheet. Multiple process automation has awesome potential when. If you download the Zip archive millslot. VBA with a DVB extension and another in Visual LISP with an.