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Normal version if your I device is activated via i. Tunes and you dont need a carrier unlock so you are using the original SIM card. All other users should choose Whited. Unlocked firmware. If you are not sure use the Unlocked firmware. Whited. 00r 6 i. Phone 2. G. Normal Firmware. Unlocked Firmware. Whited. 00r 6 i. Phone 3. G. Normal Firmware. Unlocked Firmware. Whited. 00r 6 i. Pod Touch 1. G. i. Pod Touch 1. G is no longer supported by Apple and will not get any official updates. The latest firmware for i. Pod. Touch 1. G is 3. OS3. Whited. 00r 6 will boost your i. Pod and pack it will lots of features that are only available on the most recent i. OS version. Firmware. Whited. 00r 6 i. Pod Touch 2. G. Whited. 00r firmware only supports the i. Pod Touch 2. G MB series, not the MC one. The models have a different Bootloader. To find out which series you have go to Settings, General, info and Model. Firmware. Redsn. 0w is an app used to Jailbreak your IPhone 3. G. 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