Free Medical Terminology Abbreviations

Free Medical Terminology Abbreviations

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A Panatomy and physiologyababortionabdabdominal. ABGarterial blood gasa. ACLSadvanced cardiac life support. ADright ear. ADLactivities of daily livingad libas desiredadmadmissionafebafebrile, no fever. AFBacid fast bacillus. AKAabove the kneealbalbuminalt diebalternate days every other dayammorning. AMAagainst medical adviceamalamalgamambambulate, walk. AMIacute myocardial infarctionamtamount. ANSautomatic nervous systemantanterior. AOx. 3alert and oriented to person, time, and place. Apapical. APapical pulseapproxapproximatelyaqaqueous. ARDSacute respiratory distress syndrome. ASleft ear. ASAaspirinasap ASAPas soon as possibleas tolas tolerated. ATDadmission, transfer, discharge. AUboth ears. Axaxillary. BEbarium enemabidtwice a daybil, bilateralboth sides. BKbelow knee. BKAbelow the knee amputationblbloodbl wkblood work. BLSbasic life support. BMbowel movement. BOWbag of waters. BPblood pressurebpmbeats per minute. BRbed rest. BRPbathroom privileges. BSbreath sounds. BSIbody substance isolation. Created using PowToon Free sign up at http Make your own animated videos and. Here is the big list of Medical terminology abbreviation at A Panatomy and physiology ababortion abdabdominal ABGarterial blood gas. Medical terminology, phrases. Visit Medword Medical Transcription for WAVpedal foot pedal transcriber headsets. Medical coding terminology billing courses. Our complete medical terminology list will help you learn some of the most common anatomical and surgical terms by looking at prefixes, suffixes, and roots. Use this free online medical dictionary search engine to research and learn about medical terminology, pharmaceutical drugs, healthcare equipment, health conditions. BSObilateral salpingo oophorectomy. BUNblood, urea, nitrogen levels. BVMbag valve maskbxbiopsycwith. C Sculture and sensitivityc spinecervical spine. CAcancer. CADcoronary artery diseasecalcalorie. CATcomputerized axial tomographycathcatheter. CBCcomplete blood countcccubic centimeters. CCchief complaint. CCUcoronary care unit, critical care unit. CHDcoronary heart disease. CHFcongestive heart failure. CHOcarbohydratecholcholesterolcirccircumcisioncl liqclear liquid. CNScentral nervous sysyemcocomplains of. COPDchronic obstructive pulmonary disease. CPKcreatine phosphokinase. CPRcardiopulmonary resuscitation. CPTchest physical therapy. CScentral supply. CSFcerebrospinal fluid. CTcomputer tomography. CVAcerebrovascular accident strokeCVUcardiovascular unitcxcervix or complaint of. CXRchest X raycystocystographydcdiscontinue. D Cdilation and curettage. DATdiet as tolerated. DCdiscontinue or dischargedeldelivery. Del. Rm. delivery roomdiffdifferential. DNAdeoxyribonucleic acid. DNRdo not resuscitate. The Brothers Johnson Rapidshare Files. DOAdead on arrival. DOBdate of birth. DPTdiphtheria, pertussis, tetanus. DRGdiagnosis related grouping. DSdextrose in saline. DTsdelirium tremens. DWdistilled water. D5. W 5dextrose in water. Dxdiagnosis. EBLestimated blood loss. ECGelectrocardiogram. EDemergency department. EEGelectroencephalogram. EENTeyes, ears, nose, throat. EKGelectrocardiogram. EMGelectromyogram. EOAesophageal obturator airway. ESRerythrocyte sedimentation rateestestimated. ERemergency room. ETendotracheal. ETAestimated time of arrivaletioletiology. ETOHethyl alcohol, intoxicatedexamexaminationexpexploratoryextexternal, extract, extraction. FBOAforeign body obstructed airway. FBSfasting blood sugar. FBWfasting blood work. FF F. Flforce fluids. FHfamily history. FHSfetal heart sounds. FHTfetal heart tone. FIFOfirst in, first out. FSHfollicle stimulating hormoneftfoot. FUOfever of undetermined origin. Fxfracture. GBgallbladder. GIgastrointestinal. GUgenitourinary. GTTglucose tolerance test pancreas testgttsdropsgyngynecology. H Hhemoglobin and hematocrit. HCGhuman chorionic gonadotrophinhcthematocrit. HDLhigh density lipoproteinhgbhemoglobin. HOBhead of bedhr hhour. HIVhuman immunodeficiency virus. H Phistory and physical. HRheart ratehshour of sleep, bedtimehtheight. Hxhistoryhypohypodermic injectionhysthysterectomy. IBSirritable bowel syndrome. I Dincision and drainage. I Ointake and output. ICPintracranial pressure. ICUintensive care unit. IMintramuscularinginguinalinjinjection. IPPBintermittent positive pressure breathingirrigirrigation. ISintercostal spaceisolisolation. ITinhalation therapy. IUDintrauterine device. IVintravenous. IVFin vitro fertilization. IVPintravenous pyelogram. Kpotassium. KClpotassuim chloride. KUBkidney, ureter, bladder. Llumbar. L Dlabor and deliverylaclacerationlablaboratorylaplaparotomylatlateral. LDlethal dose. LDHlactic dehydrogenase. LDLlow density lipoproteinliqliquid. LLQ, LLLleft lower quadrant abdomen, lobe lungLMPlast menstrual period. LOClevel of consciousness. LPlumbar punctureltleft. LUQ, LULleft upper quadrant abdomen, lobe lungMAmental age. MASTmedical antishock trousers. MCImass casualty incidentmedsmedications. MImyocardial infarction. MICUmobile intensive care unitminminute. MNmidnight. MOMmilk of magnesia. MRImagnetic resonance imagery. MSmorphine sulfate, multiple sclerosis. MVAmotor vehicle accident. NVDnausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Nasodium. Na. Clsodium chloride. NCnasal cannulanocomplaintsnegnegativeneuroneurology. NGnasogastric. NGTnasogastric tubenitronitroglycerine. NKAno known allergiesnoc tnight. NPOnothing by mouth. NSnormal salinensgnursing. NSRnormal sinus rhythm. NVSneurological vital signs. Ooxygen. OBobstetrics. ODright eye, overdoseointointment. OOBout of bed. OPDoutpatient department. ORoperating roomordorderly. ORTHorthopedicsorthocorrect, right bonesosmouth. OSleft eye. OToccupational therapy. OUboth eyesozouncepafter. Ppulse. P Apercussion and auscultation. PACpremature atrial contractionpalppalpation. PARpost anesthesia room. PATparoxysmal atrial tachycardiapcafter mealsp. CO2partial pressure of carbon dioxide. PDRphysicians desk reference. PEphysical exam, pulmonary embolism. PEDSpediatricsperby or through. PERLApupils equal and reactive to light and accommodationPETpositron emission tomography. PHpast historyp. Hhydrogen ion concentration. PIDpelvic inflammatory disease. PKUphenylketonuriapmbetween noon and midnight. PNSperipheral nervous systempoby mouthpost posposteriorpostop, Post. Oppostoperativepp p. O2partial pressure of oxygen. PPDpurified protein derivative TB testpreop, Pre. Opbefore surgeryprnas needed, whenever necessarypro timeprothrombin timeptpatient, pint. PTphysical therapy. PTTpartial prothrombaplastin time. PVCpremature ventricular contraction. Pxphysical exam, prognosisqeveryqdevery dayqhevery hourq. Rrectal. R resprespirations, rectal. RAIUradioactive iodine uptake study. RBCred blood cellcountregregular. Rhrhesus. RKradial keratomy. RLringers lactate. RLQ, RLLright lower quadrant abdomen, lobe lungRMLright middle lobe lungROreality orientation. ROrule out. ROMrange of motion. R. R. recovery room. RUQ, RLLright upper quadrant, lobertright. RVresidual volume. Rxtake prescriptionswithout. S Ssigns and symptomsss12. Satsoxygenblood saturation level. SAsinoatrial. SBsmall bowelscsubcutaneous. SGOTserum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase. SGPTserum glutamic pyruvic transaminase. SIDSsudden infant death syndrome. Sig labelwrite. SLsublingual. SMACsequential multiple analysis computer. SOBshortness of breathspecspecimensp. SQ, sub qsubcutaneous. SSEsoap suds enemastatimmediately. STDsexually transmitted disease. STHsomatotropic hormone. SVDspontaneous vaginal delivery. SVNsmall volume nebulizer. SVTsupraventricular tachycardia. Sxsymptoms. Ttemperature, thoracic. T Atonsillectomy and adenoidectomytabtablettachytachycardic. TAHtotal abdominal hysterectomy. TBtuberculosis. TCDBturn, cough, deep breathtemp Ttemperature. THthyroid hormone. TIAtransient ischemic attacktidthree times a day. TMJtemporomandibular jointtoltolerated. TPNtotal parenteral nutrition. TPRtemperature, pulse, respirationstrtincturetrachtracheotomy, tracheostomy. TSHthyroid stimulating hormone. TTtetanus toxiod. TURtransurethral resection. TVtidal volume. TVHtotal vaginal hysterectomy. TXtraction. UAurinalysisumbumbilicusunc. URCusual, reasonable, customary. URIupper respiratory infection. USultrasonic. UTIurinary tract infection. V fibventricular fibrillation.

Free Medical Terminology Abbreviations
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