Edureka provides online training courses for BigData and Hadoop, Hadoop Admin, Cassandra, Data Science, Cloud Computing, Android Development. This tutorial will be both an introduction and your guide to Mobile Testing and tools. Read an understand the complete Mobile Application Testing Strategy and test cases. English Business Studies Teacher Book Pdf. A complete guide to the most used Web Services Testing Tool in the World SoapUI Tutorials. Comprehensive easy to understand SoapUI and SoapUI Pro Tutorials. InventaTeq Provides 100 JOB Oriented Java Courses and Rated as Best Java Training institute in Bangalore with Placements Marathahalli BTM Layout Coaching. Header information. Port type. Input and output messages. Each of the above information is represented as a tag in the WSDL file, such as lt types XML Schema data typeslt message the actual request and response data being communicatedlt port. Type the target end points where the actual web service is hosted to perform the operationlt binding the protocol information is given for the data formatlt definitions the parent tag for the above mentioned tags. Now lets look at a sample WSDL file Your WSDL file should follow the W3. C standard as above. Through web services we can convert into web based application. Web services are constructed on top of XML, HTTP, TCP IP, Java, HTML and so on. Since web services are XML based language so that we can have these applications as local, distributed and web based environments. Role of WSDL Validating web services using Soap. UI is easy and is only possible with WSDL document because to configure web services in Soap. UI, WSDL document is mandatory. If the WSDL document is not valid, Soap. UI will throw an exception immediately. Now let us look at UDDI component. UDDI Universal Description, Discovery and Integration This is a global repository where we can search the web services spread over the globe. In order to get or search web services just visit http uddi. Here you can also register your own web service and make it available to global users. UDDI is the place where the WSDL is described in detail. This will communicate through the SOAP protocol which will be explored later in this tutorial. Say for example, if you wish to advertise your products to the global customers you could create a web service and host it through UDDI. This can now be accessed by global users and from there the business could be established. SOAP Simple Access Object Protocol Generally, it uses XML based data to interact with web applications. Here are some points to remember SOAP is language and platform independent as it is written by using XML. It creates the platform to communicate with the applications that are running in different operating systems using different technologies. Most of the Internet applications interact with each other over Remote Procedure Calls that use DCOM Distributed Component and CORBA Common Broker ArchitectureThese technologies are different than the HTTP. RPC Remote procedure calls are sometimes blocked by firewalls and proxy servers. To overcome these issues, SOAP was designed. There are some standard rules to be followed while building SOAP requests. Lets take a look at sample SOAP document. As you can see, a SOAP document must contain the following elements Envelope element is the top most tag which identifies the XML document as a SOAP message. Followed by Envelope element, you see the header element that has header information. The Body element specifies the call and response information. Finally, you have a Fault element which contains errors and status information. The above said elements should be declared with default namespace for the SOAP envelope. Generally, a protocol is a set of standard rules that transfers the data between two regions in the Internet over the web services. There are many protocols that are used in the Internet applications. They are, Transmission Control Protocol TCP which serves as a packet between two connections. Internet Protocol IP that sends and receives the messages between two destinations. Let us see some other important protocols Hyper Text Transfer Protocol HTTPFile Transfer Protocol FTPBorder Gateway Protocol BGP and. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHCPThese protocols are used according to the requirements. RDF Resource Description Framework RDF contains the description of the web resources such as title, author, content, and copyright information. This framework was designed so that computers can be read and understood easily by the web. RDF is completely written by using XML language. RDF data can be transferred between different types of computers using different operating systems and programming languages. Generally, RDF uses Uniform Resource Identifiers URIs on the web and it describes the resources along with the property and property values. Take a look at the sample RDF document to understand better. Description abouthttp www. Wilfred R. Myers lt author. Description. What is XML XML e. Xtensible Markup Language is a mark up language that is used for storing, sharing and formatting data. In general, an XML document is built by the tags. Let us see the sample XML content for a users personal information. Firstname Joel lt Firstname lt Lastname King lt Lastname lt Address 1. Valley Drive lt Address lt City New York lt City lt Country United States lt Country lt Zipcode 1. Zipcode Meaning of e. Xtensible and Markup In the above sample, First name, Last name, Address etc. These labels are known as tags and the one with forward slash along with the text, that is called closing tag. Tags are also called as mark ups. These are customized as needed. Beginners Guide to Mobile Application Testing Software Testing Help. Introduction to Mobile Application Testing Gone are the days when the telephone used to be an appliance that sat in a corner and had to ring to get our attention or a computer was a machine only few people used they are now an extension of our being a window to the world and virtual servants that do as they are told. Computers were a rage and changed how we humans thought, behaved, learnt and existed. Mobile technology and smart devices are the trend now and will change the future of the world as we know it. We all can vouch for it, cant we Now, it will be amateurish if I list what we use these mobile devices for. You all know it May be better than we do. JLets get straight to what this tutorial is going to be about. This tutorial will be both an introduction and your guide to Mobile Testing. So, read throughTypes of Mobile Testing. There are broadly 2 kinds of testing that take place on mobile devices 1. Hardware testing The device including the internal processors, internal hardware, screen sizes, resolution, space or memory, camera, radio, Bluetooth, WIFI etc. This is sometimes referred to as, simple Mobile Testing. Software or Application testing The applications that work on mobile devices and their functionality is tested. It is called the Mobile Application Testing to differentiate it from the earlier method. Even in the mobile applications, there are few basic differences that are important to understand a Native apps A native application is created for use on a platform like mobile and tablets. Mobile web apps are server side apps to access websites on mobile using different browsers like chrome, Firefox by connecting to a mobile network or wireless network like WIFI. Hybrid apps are combinations of native app and web app. They run on devices or offline and are written using web technologies like HTML5 and CSS. There are few basic differences that set these apart Native apps have single platform affinity while mobile web apps have cross platform affinity. Native apps are written in platforms like SDKs while Mobile web apps are written with web technologies like html, css, asp. For a native app, installation is required but for mobile web apps, no installation is required. Native app can be updated from play store or app store while mobile web apps are centralized updates. Many native app dont require Internet connection but for mobile web apps its a must. Native app works faster when compared to mobile web apps. Native apps are installed from app stores like Google play store or app store where mobile web are websites and are only accessible through Internet. The rest of the article is going to be about Mobile Application Testing. Significance of Mobile Application Testing. Testing applications on mobile devices is more challenging than testing web apps on desktop due to. Different range of mobile devices with different screen sizes and hardware configurations like hard keypad, virtual keypad touch screen and trackball etc. Wide varieties of mobile devices like HTC, Samsung, Apple and Nokia. Different mobile operating systems like Android, Symbian, Windows, Blackberry and IOS. Different versions of operation system like i. OS 5. x, i. OS 6. BB5. x, BB6. x etc. Different mobile network operators like GSM and CDMA. Frequent updates like android 4. OS 5. x, 6. x with each update a new testing cycle is recommended to make sure no application functionality is impacted. As with any application, Mobile application testing is also very important, as clientele is usually in millions for a certain product and a product with bugs is never appreciated. It often results in monetary losses, legal issue and irreparable brand image damage. Basic Difference Between Mobile and Desktop Application Testing Few obvious aspects that sets mobile app testing apart from the desktop testing. On desktop, the application is tested on a central processing unit. On a mobile device, the application is tested on handsets like Samsung, Nokia, Apple and HTC. Mobile device screen size is smaller than desktop. Mobile devices have less memory than desktop. Mobiles use network connections like 2. G, 3. G, 4. G or WIFI where desktop use broadband or dial up connections. The automation tool used for desktop application testing might not work on mobile applications. Types of Mobile App Testing To address all the above technical aspects, the following types of testing are performed on Mobile applications. Usability testing To make sure that the mobile app is easy to use and provides a satisfactory user experience to the customers. Compatibility testing Testing of the application in different mobiles devices, browsers, screen sizes and OS versions according to the requirements. Interface testing Testing of menu options, buttons, bookmarks, history, settings, and navigation flow of the application. Services testing Testing the services of the application online and offline. Low level resource testing Testing of memory usage, auto deletion of temporary files, local database growing issues known as low level resource testing. Performance testing Testing the performance of the application by changing the connection from 2. G, 3. G to WIFI, sharing the documents, battery consumption, etc. Operational testing Testing of backups and recovery plan if battery goes down, or data loss while upgrading the application from store. Installation tests Validation of the application by installing uninstalling it on the devices. Security Testing Testing an application to validate if the information system protects data or not. Mobile Application Testing Strategy. The Test strategy should make sure that all the quality and performance guidelines are met. A few pointers in this area 1 Selection of the devices Analyze the market and choose the devices that are widely used. This decision mostly relies on the clients. The client or the app builders consider the popularity factor of a certain devices as well as the marketing needs for the application to decide what handsets to use for testing. Emulators The use of these is extremely useful in theinitial stages of development, as they allow quick and efficient checking of the app. Emulator is a system that runs software from one environment to another environment without changing the software itself. It duplicates the features and work on real system. Types of Mobile Emulators. Device Emulator provided by device manufacturers. Browser Emulator simulates mobile browser environments. Operating systems Emulator Apple provides emulators for i. Phones, Microsoft for Windows phones and Google Android phones. List of few free and easy to use mobile device emulatorsi. Mobile Phone Emulator Used to test handsets like i. Phone, blackberry, HTC, Samsung etc. Mobi. Ready With this, not only can we test the web app, we can also check the code. Responsivepx It checks the responses of the web pages, appearances and functionality of the websites. Screenfly It is a customizable tool and used to test websites under different categories. After a satisfactory level of development is complete for the mobile app, you could move to test on the physical devices for a more real life scenarios based testing. Consider cloud computing based testing Cloud computing is basically running devices on multiple systems or networks via Internet where applications can be tested, updated and managed. For testing purposes, it creates the web based mobile environment on a simulator to access the mobile app. Pros Backup and recovery Cloud computing automatically takes back up of your data from remote location making recovery and restoring of data easy. And also, the storage capacity is unlimited. Clouds can be accessed from different devices and anywhere. Cloud computing is cost efficient, easy to use, maintain and update. Fast and quick deployment. Web based interface. Can run the same script on several devices in parallel.