Iran Has Pivoted to Video. The classic US stereotype of attempted Iranian ideological indoctrination via chants of Death to America and such has been old hat for quite some time. As noted by the New York Times on Saturday, in the past few years Iranian pro government propaganda efforts have increasingly taken the form of rap videos glorifying the countrys military, spread on sites like local You. Tube equivalent Apparat and apps like Telegram. The Times rounded up some of the most high profile attempts to appeal to the nations youth by pairing Iranian rappers with sweeping shots of military personnel and CGI infused battle scenes, some of which are pretty over the top. Theyre fascinating to watch, especially at a time when the current presidential administration has gone full hawk on Iran. Wolfram Alpha Pro Account Cracked ToothApple cider vinegar has been a multipurpose folk remedy for decades, touted as a disinfectant, a natural way to replenish skin and hair, and a superfood with all. This week, an unverified Twitter account claiming to be McDonalds Hong Kong, a real branch of the global fastfood giant, went mad. In case you havent noticed, we here at Lifehacker have spent the day gleefully reveling in fullblown Eclipse Madness. But now that the blessed event is behind us. Texas Rep. Lamar Smith, the Republican chair of the House Science Committee who also happens to believe global warming might actually be a really good thing, flew off. The classic US stereotype of attempted Iranian ideological indoctrination via chants of Death to America and such has been old hat for quite some time. As noted. Theyre also more than a little uncomfortable, both because they show an oppressive governments approach to a digitized era of propaganda and, if were being honest, they do kind of resemble pro military media produced in places like the US. One video highlighted by the paper features Amir Tataloo, a musician with a hard partying, gangster style reputation, who extolled our absolute right to have an armed Persian gulf while singing alongside naval personnel on the frigate Damavand. The Simpsons fans may notice a strong Yvan Eht Nioj vibe. Another video from last year, titled We Will Resist, cost 2. US fighter jets bombing a mosque by a sunny beach, flanked by newly constructed oil refineries. A battalion of Iranian youth carrying flags retaliate by charging towards the water, conjuring up a gigantic tidal wave which sinks the US Navys Fifth Fleet. InformationWeek. com News, analysis and research for business technology professionals, plus peertopeer knowledge sharing. Engage with our community. Another released in 2. Seraj Cyberspace Organization, which is affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Basij volunteer militia, shows Iranian backed fighters in Syria taking the fight to ISIS insurgents flying the terror groups infamous black flag. The video features Hamid Zamani, who the Times noted was the mastermind behind the anti imperialist song USA. By Zaynab, we are the defenders of Damascus the singer croons as a sniper takes out an ISIS fighter in slow motion. Husayns sister calls us to the Golden Shrine How can the flames of death possibly set it ablazeAnother Iranian propaganda effort highlighted by the Times was the 9. CGI action film Battle of the Persian Gulf II, which stars an animated version of Quds Force commander Gen. Qassem Suleimani annihilating US troops and naval forces. The Americans threaten us, we want to say, If you attack us, if you dare to do so, a rain of hot melted lead will be poured on you, co creator Farhad Azimi told the paper. The American aircraft carriers, vessels and warships will be sunk and converted into beautiful aquariums in the bed of the Persian Gulf. So yeah, all this is unsettling. But again, lest Americans get too high on their horses about this, the US military industrial complex, its marketing partners and Hollywood filmmakers have basically been doing higher budget versions of the same thing for decades. One of the more obvious examples is the NFL, where flashy flyovers with high tech military jets, troops marching with flags and even camouflage jersey sales have been a fixture for years, and the military has pumped tens of millions of dollars into patriotic displays at sports games. Others include the close relationship between the military and the video game industry, or its tight collaboration with the movie industry. Indications are strong President Donald Trumps administration is seeking ways to back out of the US Iran nuclear deal, per CNBC, which would set the stage for tensions to escalate rapidlythough with stakes a good bit realer than CGI tsunamis and bullet time. New York Times. Wolfram Alpha Pro Account Cracked MagazineApple Cider Vinegar Isnt the Miracle Elixir Its Cracked Up to Be. Apple cider vinegar has been a multipurpose folk remedy for decades, touted as a disinfectant, a natural way to replenish skin and hair, and a superfood with all kinds of benefits. Science has backed a few of these purposes, for vinegar in general, but the observable results are pretty meh. Dont Expect Apple Cider Vinegar to Do Anything for Your Skin and Hair. Several natural living and homeopathic beauty sites tout the benefits of apple cider vinegar to renew the appearance of skin and hair. Some people from a medical background recommend it. I have personally incorporated apple cider vinegar into my daily diet and skincare routine and have seen firsthand the benefits of doing so, says Rebecca Lee, a registered nurse and founder of the natural health website, Remedies. For. Me. com. But there is no definitive study on how well apple cider vinegar performs at skin and hair cleansing tasks. Cosmetic chemist Randy Schueller is skeptical. The benefits of ACV on hair or skin are largely exaggerated, he says. Vinegar has a low p. H which is non damaging but other than helping to remove mineral buildup, vinegar doesnt really provide any benefit. And the idea it makes hair shinier, he says, is just a myth. Vinegar Can Kill Bacteria, but Its No Substitute for Lysol. Vinegar has been used as a disinfectant since the time of Hippocrates, Greek granddaddy of medicine, who prescribed it for ulcerations and sores. Diesel Manual Pump. The stuff really does kill bacteria, which is why its a great choice for washing lettuce. But its been a long time since vinegar was your best germ killing option for most purposes. For example, in one study, chemical disinfectants like Clorox and Lysol handily outperformed vinegar in reducing pathogens. Medical professionals generally agree that modern chemicals are better at cleaning wounds and fighting infection. Its Not a Miracle Weight Loss Tonic, Either. If youre a mouse, good news Experiments have shown that vinegar helps mice burn fat and suppresses their appetite by, uh, making them nauseous. There is one solid, large study of vinegars effects on humans, published in 2. Japanese researchers. Subjects considered obese by Japanese standards not the less stringent standards of the country that invented the Dennys Grand Slam were divided into three groups and given a drink containing one tablespoon of vinegar, two tablespoons of vinegar, or a placebo. All of the vinegar sippers lost more weight than the placebo drinkers. How much weight A mere two to three pounds over 1. So, even if it helps, were not looking at the secret to major weight loss. Adding vinegar to a meal has also been shown to lower a persons glycemic response to that meal, making it a useful tool in managing diabetes. You can take advantage by using a vinegar based salad dressing or adding an acetic element, like vinegar or a pickled vegetable, to Japanese style rice. Vinegar has also been shown to limit the post meal blood sugar reaction in people with type 2 diabetes. Everyone has an explanation on how this works, says David Greuner, MD, of NYC Surgical Associates. The exact mechanism is not precisely known, but acetic properties and antioxidants, both of which apple cider vinegar provides, are known to absorb or balance out the effects of sugar, he says. So some science backs the apple cider vinegar folklore, but theres no reason to be as excited about it as Dr. Axe. Also, vinegar is not without its downsides, doctors warn. Its acidic qualities can damage teeth, hurt throats, upsets stomachs and lower potassium levels. And it tastes like, well, vinegar.