After Finding and configuring our awesome new IT Ticketing system, I set my sights on upgrading our Server Monitor Solution. Right now we have a Legacy Server Monitor. The Cisco Unified Computing System Cisco UCS is a nextgeneration data center platform that unites computing, network, storage access, and virtualization into. This is the procedure to match a VMWare Datastore and VMWare LUN ID to the underlying storage ID on an EMC SAN. The procedure would work for another type. This is not as easy as it is on a Cisco 3750 or 6500 series switch but once you know how its not too bad. You have been way to generous with the database permissions, do notdo this grant all privileges on to nagioslocalhost identified by nagios. I tried for a good while to get Nagwin Nagios for Windows working in a functional way And while I was able to setup Nagios core fairly easily, NONE of the front end interfaces were designed for Windows and I simply could not get them to work. Even if I were to figure out how to create the needed configuration Files needed to support Nagios Core, There was no way I was going to go to my Team and say they need to learn how to write config files if they ever want to monitor anything So at this point I almost gave up on Nagios, Until I stumbled upon a Spiceworks Forum post where somebody recommended Nagios FAN. I was still skeptical about using Linux, being almost entirely a Windows shop with very little Linux experience. Nagios FAN, my concerns were immediately put to rest. The setup process wasnt nearly as intimidating as a Nagios Install from Scratch, and in fact after figuring out how to Install FAN as a Virtual Server on our Microsoft Hyper V 2. Server It was as easy as following the install directions. I have installed Nagios in my ec2 server. Now I want to install checksnmp plugin. I found that this is not available in usrlocalnagioslibexec I tried sudo. Nagios plugin to report CPU usage on Linux boxes. This function is called when a user enters impossible values. Usage 0 H HOSTADDRESS. Now if you are looking for a point and click install that you can get setup inside of an houryou may want to reconsider Nagios. Nagios is a Powerhouse, but with all the added Horsepower comes a fair deal of complexity especially if you dont know Linux That being said It scales incredibly well, I think some companies have it monitoring over 1 MILLION DEVICES. If you still are on the fence about Nagios at this point, maybe it would help if you could see some of the companies that use and trust the product everyday. Nagios Customers UsersThe Complete Listing Can be Found http www. Index System Requirements. Installing Nagios FANPhysical Device Install. Hyper V Install. SNMP Host Configuration. Centreon Configuration. Add a Host. CPU Alert. Memory Alert. Disk Space Alert. Service Alert. Process Alert. Notifications. Setup E mail Notifications. Setup SMS Notifications. Setup Jabber Notifications. Fun with Nagvis. Extras. Install NSClientTroubleshootingIf you have a smaller enviorment, you may want to consider checking out my pre configured Nagios. PI image. System requirements. Minimum system requirements. GB free disk space. GB of RAM. 1 processor core. Recommended system requirements. GB plus the required disk space recommended essentialy for var. Disk space needed by mysql and rrd files. CPU. 2 GB of RAM. Physical Device Install. I recommend using the Nagios Fan Documentation Found HERE if you are installing to a physical server. Hyper V Install. FAN 2. Download Fan Version 2. OSx. 86x. 64 6. OSIf you attempt to install the latest version which at the time of this writing is 2. FAN to a Virtualized server in Hyper. V, you will get half way through the install and then you will encounter the following error. No such file or directory. Kernel panic not syncing Attempted to kill init No such file ordirectory. Kernel panic notsyncing Attempted tokill initHowever this issue will be addressed and resolved later on in the install process for 2. Once you have downloaded the appropriate. ISO, you will want to Browse to your Virtual Machine and then Select Settings. Then add hardware Legacy Network Adapter Then click ADD. You will then Want to Highlight Legacy Network Adapter and Then Select the appropriate Network Adapter. Highlight your DVD drive, Then Browse to your FAN 2. File. Once Selected, Hit Apply. Still Under settings Select BIOS. Then Make sure that CD is set to boot first. Now Open your Virtual Server, and START it up. You should be greeted by the Nagios FAN Welcome Screen. Hit the ENTER key to begin installation. Note Your mouse WILL NOT work during the install process. Select your Language. Then Keyboard Type. If you are working with a Clean Slate on your virtual machine, You can simply Hit Next at this screen to accept the default values. Alternatively if you are overwriting the contents of an existing Hard drive I would change this to Overwrite contents of Hard drive and create default Layout. Select a Map Region. Set your root password. You will then be prompted to Reboot. Do note remove your CD yet When the system Reboots, Boot from CD again. When The FAN Landing Page comes up type Linux Rescue. Then hit Enter1. When prompted Do not start the network Interfaces. When you reach the command Line Type the following. Upon Typing cat etcgrub. You will see an output along the following Make Note of your Kernel Version. Finally Type the following Command, replacing the version shown in my example with your own The above command has el. L and not a 1 before the 5 FAN 2. Download Fan Version 2. If you attempt to install the latest version which at the time of this writing is 2. FAN to a Virtualized server in Hyper. V, you will get half way through the install and then you will encounter the following error. No such file or directory. Kernel panic not syncing Attempted to kill init No such fileordirectory. Kernel panic notsyncing Attempted tokillinit Version 2. Cent. OS that is missing vital Hyper. V drivers. Until FAN decides to move onto a Newer version of Cent. OS Version 2. 2 is the most recent COMPATIBLE version. You can download it HERE. OSx. 86x. 64 6. OSIf you are installing this on Hyper. V, You probably want the 6. Version 2. Once you have downloaded the appropriate. ISO, you will want to Browse to your Virtual Machine and then Select Settings. Then add hardware Legacy Network Adapter Then click ADD. You will then Want to Highlight Legacy Network Adapter and Then Select the appropriate Network Adapter. Highlight your DVD drive, Then Browse to your FAN 2. File. Once Selected, Hit Apply. Still Under settings Select BIOS. Then Make sure that CD is set to boot first. Now Open your Virtual Server, and START it up. You should be greeted by the Nagios FAN Welcome Screen. Hit the ENTER key to begin installation. Note Your mouse WILL NOT work during the install process. Select your Language. Then Keyboard Type. If you are working with a Clean Slate on your virtual machine, You can simply Hit Next at this screen to accept the default values. Alternatively if you are overwriting the contents of an existing Hard drive I would change this to Overwrite contents of Hard drive and create default Layout. Select a Map Region. Set your root password. You will then be prompted to Reboot. But. Before you Reboot, Go back to your Hyper V Manager Window, Highlight your Fan Server and click Settings. You will then want to UN mount your. ISO image from your DVD drive. Then Go Back to your Fan Server Console and Reboot. Nagios FAN will then start to reboot, if you have done everything right so far you should see the below prompt. Select Network Configuration and then hit Enter. You will then Be prompted to Edit Devices or Edit DNS Configuration. Select Edit Devices First. Select your NIC card, Then Enter the Following information. Static IP Address. Subnet Mask. Default Gateway. After you Set your Network information, You will want to select Edit DNS Configuration. Change the Name of your server to anything that you would like. Once you have configured your Network and DNS settings. You should be greeted by the FAN Main Page. You can login UsingLogin root. Match VMWare LUN ID to EMC SAN LUN IDThis is the procedure to match a VMWare Datastore and VMWare LUN ID to the underlying storage ID on an EMC SAN. The procedure would work for another typeof SAN as long as you can get the UUID off the SAN for each LUN. With help from KB Article 1. Updated Aug 1. 4, 2. Products VMware ESX Product Versions VMware ESX 2. VMware ESX 3. 0. x. VMware ESX 3. 5. x. VMware ESX 4. 0. x. Running this command from an ESX 3. UUIDs of each of the LUNS as they are presented to the ESX host. Copy the text file to your machine. Now take the UUID from a LUN on the SAN in this example taking LUNs 2. To find the LUN from Navisphere, drill down into your raid groups and look for a LUN, right click and select Properties on the general tab you should seethe unique ID 6. UUID. 6. 00. 60. 16. DE0. 21. 00. 58. 4A5. DE1. 1 LUN 2. 96. LUN 3. 7vmhba. 0 0 0 disk Dell VIRTUAL DISK 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. Abs Diagnostic Software For Pc more. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. LUN 2. 9vmhba. 1 0 2. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. LUN 3. 6vmhba. 1 0 3. DGC RAID 5 0. LUN 3. 7vmhba. 1 0 3. DGC RAID 1. DGC RAID 1. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 5 0. DGC RAID 1. DGC RAID 5 0. Search for the UUID from the strings in the iscsiluns. Vmhba, if you have multiple paths you may seethe same UUID more than once. Now from this we can see that VMWare thinks vmhba. LUN 2. 7 on the VMWare ESX server is actually LUN 2. EMC SAN. 3. You can right click on a VMWare datastore and select Properties under the Extents pane youll see the vmhba. LUNs thatare used to make this datastore, you can match from the iscsiluns. UUID then look for the UUID on the EMC Lun report. From Navisphere you can run a report to display all the LUNS so you dont have to hunt it down manually. From Navisphere, on the left pane select Reportingand then click Generate Report you can then create a LUN report to get all the UUIDs and their LUN ID listed.