Schematic symbols in Eeschema are very loosely coupled to footprints in Pcbnew to encourage reuse of footprints and symbols e. Internally Pcbnew supports up to 3. Dimensions are stored with nanometer precision in signed 3. PCB dimension 2. 31 nm, or approximately 2. Currently Pcbnew is being heavily refactored, including getting a new rendering engine called the graphics abstraction layer, or GAL with Open. GL and Cairo back ends. Pcbnew is also getting a new tool framework to more easily allow developers to add tools without having to deal with supporting multiple renderers. Due to this some tools are only available on the legacy XOR based renderer and some are only available with the GAL renderers. Ki. Cad has a built in autorouter for basic, single connections. Potentiometers_Copal_Electronics_CT-6EP_Series_Single_Turn_Cermet_TH-600.jpg' alt='Importing Altium Step Files Into Solidworks Viewer' title='Importing Altium Step Files Into Solidworks Viewer' />Alternatively, Alfons Wirtzs open source Java based Free. Routing7 can be used to externally autoroute boards. Anthony Blakes Toporouter, a topological autorouter developed in 2. EDAPCB as a Google funded open source project mentored by DJ Delorie,8 has been adapted for use with Ki. Cad as well. A DRC design rules check is available to check for common logical errors. The 3. D PCB viewing function is based on VRML models, and the board model can be exported for CAD integration. Some recent additions follow. An interactive router, which features the ability to walk around existing traces in the way or shove existing traces into a different position while maintaining their connectivity. High speed PCB routing tools such as track length matching and differential pair support. Python scripting support. Ki. Cads popularity is fueled by its Gerb. View component, used as Gerber viewer by users of other EDA software that does not support this feature such as Circuit. Maker. Olimex has announced that they have switched from EAGLE to Ki. Cad as their primary EDA tool. See alsoeditReferenceseditExternal linksedit.