02 December 1916. A few weeks ago Miss D Atkinson, Musgrave Street, Penrith, made some stockings and other articles for the soldiers and put her name and address on them. I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. I loafe and invite my soul. Sanford Profile is a subsidiary of Sanford Health, notforprofit healthcare system, focusing on nutrition, activity and lifestyle. Lime-putty.jpg' alt='John Waite Essential Depot Sebring' title='John Waite Essential Depot Sebring' />Der erste Wirkstoff, der als antipsychotisch wirksames Medikament vermarktet wurde, ist das Chlorpromazin. Es wurde im Jahr 1950 erstmals in Frankreich bei. Local Radio Local Issues Local Presenters Proud to be at the Heart of your Community. Click the station. The history of Sudbury, Massachusetts, 16381889. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center. BA Color Box Art Available for an additional 3. FL Film is in Foreign Language Lbx Letterboxed or Widescreen format Subs Film is subtitled. The second object has been to make the book readable. If a local history is to be read it must be more than a collection of statistics, or quotations from records, or a compilation of facts given apart from their relation to each other. To accomplish the. As, for example, tlie statement. French Neutrals were for a time cared for by. Sudbury might be invested with no interest to the general reader, and soon be forgotten, unless. Secondly, we have intended, while we have not. Thirdly, in. some instances when we have quoted records verbatim, we. In gathering historic material we have relied upon original sources of information, except in such instances as the. The original sources from which we have. Stearns Collection, the State. Archives, the traditions of old inhabitants, and histories. The first source referred to consists of several. These books cover a. The Stearns Collection is made up of manuscripts which were gathered by. Dr. Thomas Stearns of Sudbury. Some of these bear an. The State Archives. This is especially so as regards the early wars. The town. books contain but little about the war with King Philip, and. French and Indian wars. The old inhabitants referred to are some who are now. Among the former are Mr. John Maynard. Capt. James Moore and Mr. James S. Draper of Way. Land. Among the latter are C. G. Cutler, Esq., Mr. Josiah Haynes. Mrs. Samuel Jones, Mrs. J. P. Allen, Mr. Reuben Rice of. Concord and Mr. Abel Heard of Wayland, formerly East. Sudbury. We have also obtained valuable information from. In our system of arrangement, we have combined the. We consider the advantage. In the selection of material we have been guided by the. We have endeavored not to pass lightly by any event that. In making reference to the town books the page has been. In seeking information we have been kindly received. The autlior would acknowledge his indebtedness. Mrs. L. R, Hudson, who has shared with him. Thanks are also especially due to Mr. Jonas S. Hunt. Sudburys efficient and courteous town clerk, whose hearty. Thanks are due to Mr. John Ward Dean, Librarian of the. New England Historic Genealogical Society, for kindly giving access to the books of the Society, Mr. James S. Draper. of Wayland, for his assistance in locating and drawing a. Mr. Asahel. Balcom of Maynard, for facts about the north west district. Mr. George H. Barton of the Institute of Technology, Boston, for preparing a paper on the geology of Sudbury, Miss. G. A. Goodnow, for facts concerning the Methodist church. We would also acknowledge the valuable assistance received from Temples History of Framingham, Shattucks. History of Concord, Saundersons History of Charlestown. N. H., Reeds History of Rutland, and Drakes History of. Middlesex County. We would also take this occasion to. Sudbury for the liberal. Alfred S. Hudson. Ayer, June 1st, 1. Early Condition of the Country. Original Boundaries. Indian. Names. Primitive Forests. Laws concerning Timber. Clearings. Game. Johnsons Description. Meaning of Meadow. Lands. Old Connecticut Path. Indian Trails,. Indians of Sudbury Territory. Relics. Localities where they. Lived at Nobscot, the Vicinity of the River, Weir Hill, Cochituate. Names and History of Prominent Indians Karte, Tantamous, Nataous. Description of Wigwams. Food. Characteristics. Method of Hunting and Fishing. Tribal Relations. Nature of their Early Intercourse with the English,. Origin of the Sudbury Settlement. Why it was formed. Names. of Early Settlers Residents of Watertown, Emigrants from. England. Passenger List of the Ship Confidence. Tradition. John Rutter. Character of the Settlers. Biographical. Method of Acquiring Territory. Character and Jurisdiction of the. Massachusetts Bay Colony. Colonial Court. Response to the. Petition for a Plantation at Sudbury. Successive Land Grants. Purchase of Territory. MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta 14. Indian Deeds. Incorporation of the. Town. Name. Sketch of Sudbury, Eng. Town Boundaries, 5. Place and Plan of Settlement. Data of House lots. Description. of Map. Course of First Street. Sites of Early Homesteads. Historic Highway. Time of Settlement. Dimensions of First. Dwelling house. Early Experiences of the Settlers,. Town Meetings. Their Origin and Character. Conditions of. Citizenship. Freemen. Place of Town Meeting. Town Officers. Highways. Bridges. Indian Bridge. The Old. Town Bridge. Contracts with Ambrose Leach and Timothy. Hawkins. Causeway. Formation of Church. Settlement of. First Minister. Erection of First Meeting House. Contract. with John Kutter. Building of Grist Mill. Land Divisions. Origin of the Terms Common and Lot. Permission of Colonial Court for Land Division. Principles. upon which Land Divisions were Made. The Meadows a Basis. Division. Meadow Rights, or Meadow Dividends. Rules. of Division. Quantity of Meadow Received in Three Early. Allotments. Division of Upland. Towns Common or Undivided Lands. Proprietors Common or Undivided Lands. Proprietors Meetings subsequent to 1. Specimens of their. Records. Land Allotments to be Recorded. Cow Common. Land for the Support of the Ministry. Reservations for Planting Fields, a Training Field, a Mill, a Pasture for Working. Oxen, Timber Land, 1. Miscellaneous. Laws concerning Domestic Animals, Birds, Wolves. Ammunition and Fire arms. Common Planting. Fields. Fence. Viewers and Fences. Staple Crops. Meadow Grass Abundance, Time and Price of Cutting, Measures for Improving. Mode of Travel. Staking the Causeway. Climate. Rain and. Snow Fall. Occasion of Floods. Breaking Out Roads. Care. of the Poor. Laws for the Prevention of Poverty Enacted by. Town by the Province. Town Action for the Encouragement of Industry. Education. Morality. Instruction in the. Use of Fire arms. Tything men. Stocks. Lecture Day. Fasts. Baptism of Infants. Laws Relating to Labor, Payments Often Made in Produce. Negroes Bought and Sold. Copy of Bill of Sale. Schedule of Inhabitants a Century and a. Half Ago. Respect Shown by the Use of Titles by Gratulation by Seating in the Meeting House. Careful of Dues. Precaution Against Fire. Borrowing Canoes. Board of the. Representatives. Peculiar Names of Places,. Sudbury in the Colonization of Other Towns Framingham, Marlboro, Worcester, Grafton, Rutland, 1. Activity on the West Side of the River. Early Homesteads. Laying Out of the New Grant. Land Allotments. Owners. Occupants. The Thirty Rod Highway. Settlement of. Marlboro. The Hop Brook Mill. Highway to the New Mill. Old Lancaster Road. New Meeting House Contract. The Cow Common Controversy, 1. Philips War Sources of Information Cause and Nature. Defensive Measures by the Town Garrison Houses Militia. Defensive Measures by the Colony. Services of the Town outside its. Limits List of Men Impressed. Swamp Fight. Services of. Ephraim Curtis among the Nipnets As a Messenger with Proposals of Peace As a Guide in Captain Hutchinsons Expedition. Signs of Indian Hostilities in and about the Town. Edmund Browns Letter. Night Attack on the Indians, and. Death of Netus, 1. Philips War. Indian Invasion Date. Number of the Enemy. Philips Preparation. Indian Powwow. Movements of the.